About Me

Hi, I’m Shayla!

I’m a New York City Certified Exercise and Group Fitness Instructor, Wellness Life Coach and currently working on an IIN Health Coach Certificate. I recently took a leap of faith, resigned from my full-time career, and started an Independent Personal Training and Life Coach business. I am so passionate and excited about working with others on their journey to better health and wellness and every day I wake up excited about what I have the opportunity to do.

My areas of specialty, in regards to fitness, are in Weight training, HIIT workouts, balance training, nutrition and body weight exercises. I provide private, in home and online training and I take great pride in ensuring that clients are safe and properly executing every exercise to help avoid injuries. Form is crucial and it’s most important that an exercise is performed accurately.

In addition to being a Certified Personal Trainer, P90X Instructor, Fitness Nutrition Specialist; I also hold a master’s degree in Human Services Administration, as well as a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. I’m well versed when it comes to the growth and development of others and I strongly believe that exercise and wellness are not only related to the physical, but are a mental, emotional and spiritual component as well.